
Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato.

Original painting, mixed media, gesso, oil, and acrylic on canvas, 24 x 1 x 30 inches, 2019


Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato.

Original painting, mixed media, gesso, oil, and acrylic on canvas, 24 x 1 x 30 inches, 2019

Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato.

Original painting, mixed media, gesso, oil, and acrylic on canvas, 24 x 1 x 30 inches, 2019

I greet you every morning. We change colors.

We dance the dance of time.

Every morning.

We, time crafters. We, magicians.

We build more of it. I paint it. You craft it. We breathe life into it.

We change colors. We mute. Re-birth. They’ll hear us dancing.

Bells and winds. They hear us dancing.

Tails and spirals. Up, down. Up. Tails and spirals. One more time.

One more time. The long-standing, everlasting time. Perennial trails.
We, trespassing time. We, quietly in awe. We, in the fold of time. Telltale.

Tails and spirals.

Underworlds of dragons, skies of wings, peaks of red sunsets. The alchemy of fire.

We change colors. We dance every morning.

Poem: Telltale, by Ludovica Mazzucato

Music: Minuet in G-Major k.1e, Nannerl Notenbuch, W. A. Mozart