
Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting, mixed media, gesso, and acrylics on wood panel, 22 x 0.2 x 28 inches, 2018.

Please contact Galleria Taralli before placing an order for this painting.


Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting, mixed media, gesso, and acrylics on wood panel, 22 x 0.2 x 28 inches, 2018.

Please contact Galleria Taralli before placing an order for this painting.

Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting, mixed media, gesso, and acrylics on wood panel, 22 x 0.2 x 28 inches, 2018.

Please contact Galleria Taralli before placing an order for this painting.

Floating mountains of one, last, please, one more

summer day.

Feathers in the breeze that is hot and heavy like a

tumbling stone over the crystallized lake. Ripples.

Copper bushes lounging in the hot springs.

Skinny-dip the silver lashes of the summer salt left on

the cooler skin. Melt your silly thoughts like pepper

powder, like pillows of pebbles. Stuck in the cracks of...

your soul.

Time for wild ideas of blankets embroidered by dark nights and darker coffees.

The autumn is on fire. It's burning faster, today.

The mist is soft, and the smell of the snow tickles the memories.

I burn wood chips to smell the apple tree.

Poem: New Moon, by Ludovica Mazzucato

Music: Look up, by D. O’Dowda