
Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting: mixed media, oil, gesso, and acrylics on canvas, 30 x 1 x 40 inches, 2020


Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting: mixed media, oil, gesso, and acrylics on canvas, 30 x 1 x 40 inches, 2020

Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting: mixed media, oil, gesso, and acrylics on canvas, 30 x 1 x 40 inches, 2020

Ecstasy engraved in the blueprint. Geysers of oniric surrealism.

Sacred reality. Let us feel everything. Just enjoy.

“Look what you did.” Souls touched by folds of time. Fertile lands. Blossoming dreams.

Betelgeuse resounds of the call.

Wrinkles of infinity that will keep us young forever.

Trusted hand. The divine in me sees the divine in you.

La medusa inhaling the spirit of the wilder things. Where the bees are, there you’ll know I am.

The winged horse leaves Merope and Electra. Alas, the woof of wool is about to shake us.

We are enough.

The heart beats twice.

I feel the palpitation of the bird in my hand. Your heart is safe, I promise. One. Two.

Jump. Parallel realities of creation and craft. Kites of rivers and rebirth.

The artist of love. The work of love. The plant of love.

Shhh. Secrets.

The wishing well of broken gastropods and opaque mirrors. Open the gates.

Let love flood the land.

I ring the uvula of the dragon. Holder of secrets we all know. Wash the ego in the salt of magic.

Believe. Blue herons dancing with eagles and hawks.

Becoming the sword. I rest with the jaguar and the lion. As within, so without. I raise the red cup over the waters.

Holding the wand in the spiral of fire. Flowers grow from your hands. Mine are the stars that guide us in the night.

Our faces toward the sun. Listen to the whispers of the moon.

Broken backs of oil and abandonment. Healing wounds of wings

that carry fodder in the moons of my feet.

So long, Orion. The sweeter honey of the Christmas box.

No Mouse King left to battle.

Bluebells on the Ponte dei Sospiri. Cedar on the bench whose view I share with you.

Keys to vortexes as we float on the waters. Cassiopeia’s neighbours weaving waking waves around us.

You are miraculous.

Last rampart of the walls we took so long to build

and so deeply yearn to flee from. There’s no stronghold where we are going,

but the certainty we are there already. Home. Scents of return.

The donkey you left behind. Pebbles of godly peaks. Lava and roaring fires. The flower that called you in the desert.

The patience that blessed the abundance.

Bodies of water and alder. Souls of one, just one clay. Generosity flowing to the rhythm of the drum,

as the Masai take me away.

Poem: Cranes, by Ludovica Mazzucato

Music: Tezeta (Nostalgia), by Mulatu Astatke