
Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting, mixed media, oil, acrylics, and gesso, 24 x 20 inches, 2022


Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting, mixed media, oil, acrylics, and gesso, 24 x 20 inches, 2022

Artist: Ludovica Mazzucato

Original painting, mixed media, oil, acrylics, and gesso, 24 x 20 inches, 2022

Ritirata sulle frangie del cuore

scoppiando in sospesi giochi di certezza

Coloured colour me in empty spaces

Mi specchio nel cielo dell’altra parte del mondo

Brocaded swim in the velvet pond

Falling in waters of dynasties

entrenched in gems of trees

all along there, acronisia of choice

Destiny worn by us, built anew with threads of space.

Hold me, hold nothing else, breathe me, breathless sigh.

Quando ti avvolgo cerco un sospiro solenne

matrimonio d’ardore ed immensità

vasta la profondità di chi come noi, ama.

Noi. It takes us here and here I say it.

Poem: Viscerale, by Ludovica Mazzucato

Music: Way down we go, by KALEO